Wednesday, February 6, 2030

New To Step By Step? Start HERE!

Welcome! It is my hope that Step by Step Cleft will educate, inspire, and uplift all who come across it! This blog is meant to be read from the beginning, or oldest post to the most recent post. So for you newbies, START HERE by clicking through the posts one at a time in order. And please, leave a comment! Or just vote! (to the right...:) I love knowing I'm not just sending this out into cyberspace, and a real person ACTUALLY might read this blog!;)
Post One
"I think this baby has a cleft lip..."

Post Two
"Honey, I'm home..."

Post Three
"Being "okay" with it."

Post Four

Post Five
"Finding a Doctor"

Post Six
"Birth Day"

Post Seven

Post Eight
"They say..." Surgery One

Post Nine
"Honeycuffs and Miracle Blankets"

Post Ten

Post Eleven
"Taping and Ear Tubes"

Post Twelve
"I'd like one Face-sect-damee, Please!"

Post Thirteen
"Rykers Ring"

Post Fourteen
"Save the Best For Last"

For all my old friends, check out the latest post BELOW! But make sure you haven't missed one while you were away!

And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, if you come across a blog, educational site, cleft product, or anything else that you love...Share! Tell me in a comment and I will post a link to all these little web treasures! Or if you have a question, feel free to ask! I will do my best to answer! Also, keep in mind that because EVERY cleft is different, there are MANY different methods for repair, and MANY different oppinions about which is best. This is just one way. One method, and one doctors preferred plan of attack for our unique cleft. You and your journey will vary, but one thing we can all share is a similar emotional journey...and the fact that our little monkeys came into this world with EXTRA big smiles!;)